I'm sure most of you are aware of the state of health of Nollywood actor and producer, Obi Madubogwu. He has issued a statement from his hospital bed at the Federal Medical Centre, Ebute Metta, Lagos. Read the statement after the cut... Nollywood star, Madubogwu thanks Nigerians, seeks treatment abroad For Nollywood star actor and producer, Obi Madubogwu, there is so much to be thankful for as God continues His miracle in his life, reviving him from a near-fatal diabetic coma in December 2016. He is equally grateful for the kind of response Nigerians deployed towards his pleas for assistance during the dark moments. According to him, it was enchanting to know that Nigerians loved and cared for him in such a magnitude. In a press statement, from his sick bed at the Federal Medical Centre Ebute Metta, the actor, producer, and founder of Saving Life for Africa Diabetes Foundation, ( www.savelifeafricadiabetes.org ) ...